Sangobion Sulong Dugong Pinoy Blood Health Event
You know these guys from Sangobion Iron+ Philippines are dead serious when they say they want to fight for an anemic-free nation. Just recently, the iron supplement brand called on to every Pinoy to make blood health a public concern through Sulong Dugong Pinoy, a campaign developed by Ace Saatchi & Saatchi. Together with The Philippine Red Cross, Sangobion Sulong Dugong Pinoy Blood Health Event happened last April 8, 2017 at the MOA Music Hall.
The open space was turned into a blood-health ground where the brand conducted free anemia check-up, consultation, and blood donation. Given that the event was free to the public, a large number of turnouts were expected. One of the challenges posed on Stratminds and Saatchi & Saatchi was how to avoid the long-dreaded queues, which we all know is a major turn-off. A simple and logical approach would be to deploy numerous manpower to accommodate the expected guests. The team mounted four tents for the blood donation drive and provided seats for the participants waiting in line for each step. But aside from these methods, we made sure that these brave blood warriors were pumped and entertained while they are pricked and tested. Activities, games, and Sangobion premium items were lined-up that morning.
The event was not only a blood drive, we ended it with a fiery concert featuring amazing talents. We needed to get MOA Music Hall into concert mood while the blood testing was still ongoing. To make the set-up change possible, the agency organized an egress flow headed and guided by a set-up manager. Each area was delegated to specific groups for faster ins and outs, after all it must be a quick-change set-up. It was challenging for the team because it involved more than one area with big structures that were needed to be egressed, take the blood donation tents for one. Amazingly, with grace and time to spare, the team managed to dress-up the area in time for the hottest concert in town!
Truly, just like what Sangobion Sulong Dugong Pinoy’s message is, with collective efforts, the goal can be done.